Financial gifts, tithes, offerings, and donations to H2O Toledo are used to keep our church functioning by paying for mission trip travel, outreach events, Bible studies, sound, printing, supplies, advertising, books, lighting, projection, computers, food, coffee and all the other essentials that help us do what we do.
There are two main ways you can give a financial donation:
1. Online Giving: Click on the "Give Now" link below to give directly to H2O Toledo online.
2. Cash or Check: Make a check payable to “H2O Toledo” and send it to:
2735 Wicklow Rd, Toledo OH 43606 or drop it in the basket at the Welcome Table on Sunday.
You will receive a receipt in January each year for tax purposes.
Of course, you can always give cash in the giving box if you would like to remain anonymous.
Hand Holding Heart Give Now